Episode 39: I'm Back & Where I've Been!

Hello friends! It’s been quite a few months since I took my hiatus from this podcast, and I wanted to give you a quick update before diving into some deep content over the next few episodes.
The last episode was aired in August of 2020, crazy right? It’s amazing how quickly and slowly time goes at the same time.
Well, where I live, has been and still is in pretty restrictive lockdown, so most of my updates are of a personal nature, but it definitely bleeds into my business, because what I offer comes from my heart.
August was a big month for me, because we found out we were pregnant!
Then in November, at 17 weeks, I miscarried....
I’m heartbroken. I was carrying another boy wish I so desperately wanted to add to the four we have.
My work projects were put on an awkward hold.
What now?
I had my next year and half planned out personally and professionally and then in one night, it was all gone.
As I've healed and leaned into what brings me joy, I realize teaching is part of that! So I've been back teaching in my Online Studio again, where I have ALL my classes available from my core and pelvic floor series, prenatal classes, restorative classes, low impact cardio and SO much more! There are over 50 classes and it's growing every month.
In addition to creating this class series in my online studio, I’ve also launched my affiliate program. I want to partner with you in supporting your clients, and as a thank you from me if you send your clients my way, you can get 30% off all sales made through your referrals! I make the process super simple and easy and am excited to work as a team to support this community. If this is something you’d be interested in, simply click here for all the info on how to apply!
It’s nice to be excited again. It’s nice to be back and able to focus on not just my own survival, but serving and connecting.
So in the next podcast, I’ll be sharing my miscarriage story. I’ll be getting super raw, real and vulnerable. I do this in hopes of giving you insight into someone grieving a miscarriage if you’ve never experienced one, to help you and your clients know their not alone if they have walked through one and because I’m trusting the process that stories are what connect us and are valuable.
I’d love to have you join me if you’re up for it!
It’s great to be back. I’m so grateful SO many of you have stuck around through this long break!