Episode 30: Rebecca Bakker, Business Strategist from The Doula Toolbox

Many of us are doing some powerful and deep inner work. Reflecting on our beliefs, values, and if our actions truly line up with what we say we believe. I’m a firm believer in the fact that we are whole beings, spiritual, emotional, mental and physical all wrapped up into you. We often try to separate one part out to work on that area, which I understand, but I also have found that much of my internal work is strongly reflected in my physical work. It’s very hard to do internal work and not have the external reflect that work. That’s why I’m so excited to be moving into the final stages of being able to offer my Thriving Birth Worker Movement Method course. This online course, which is approved for 11 CE hours through MEAC (which DONA accepts as well), is all about physical embodiment, emotional down regulation support and doing our own internal work through movement so that we can be fully available to serve our clients and communities. It is a step by step course that walks you through how you can utilize movement both to strengthen your body for birth work, but also use movement to practice your own embodiment as you server you clients. This work is so important and this course is a powerful combination of my years of study and research condensing it all into a practical and powerful course. If you want to be sure to be invited into the first launch that is happening soon sign up to be on the waitlist here!
I’m also excited to have you meet today’s guest if you haven’t already!
Many of us working in the birth worker field are pretty entrepreneurial. We may not have realized it in the beginning, but as we dove into this work, we realized that we had to advocate for, market for and promote ourselves on a new level to get connected to and serving our community. It’s not easy. This is where business coaching comes into the picture. I myself have received SO many breakthroughs via a business coach. Now many of us also don’t have loads of extra cash lying around to pay for one on one business coaching. That’s where today’s guest comes into the picture. Rebecca Bakker is a Business Strategist that runs an incredible community over at the Doula Toolbox that specializes in supporting doulas (and really all birth workers can benefit from her wisdom). She saw this need, for additional business support, covering everything from social media to website development to all other areas of running your own business successfully in her community, at an accessible price point! It was exciting to talk other about ALL the things! Rebecca is the real deal my friends. She’s powerful and passionate and doing an incredible work. Our visions for supporting birth workers are so aligned that I felt like I was chatting with an old friend!
In this episode we cover:
- How Rebecca began supporting doulas
- Defining what a business strategist is
- How to lead in your business with compassion
- How to earn an income as a heart lead entrepreneur
- How community is vital to business growth
- Social media
And so much more!
Isn’t she doing such an awesome work! I’m so thrilled to have such a powerful community rising up to support the birth worker community. The Doula Toolbox is an incredible resource to support you on your journey into building a powerful and effective business that is a thriving part of your life, rather than a constant stress or frustration.
I strongly recommend you jump on over to her website https://thedoulatoolbox.com and check out this awesome work and community! Her free community in Facebook is a great resource and place to start for encouragement and practical wisdom!
If you’re body is feeling tired and you know that the work laid out for you is not a short journey and you want to be a part of an embodied community that leads with compassion and wisdom, I invite you into the Thriving Birth Worker Movement Method community. The launch will be an exclusive group of heart centered leaders who know they need to practice what they preach to have not only a thriving business, but life. Be sure to sign up for the the waitlist. You’ll be happy you did!
Thanks so much for joining me week after week. This community is special and precious to me and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to support you! As always, I’m over here cheering you on and so grateful for your service to this community. Looking forward to connecting with you soon! Bye for now!