Episode 18: Agnes Kowalski and Money Mindset
We are moving into a Thriving Business Series on the podcast. I love a good theme and the next few interviews are going to be just that! Many of us find that after our training we are released into this business world feeling ill-equipped and overwhelmed. Wait, not only do I need to know how to serve my clients as a birth worker, but now I need to be an expert in marketing, finances, taxes, social media, web development and more. It’s enough to make someone throw in the towel from overwhelm. This series is digging into different aspects of business, talking to professionals who not only have made it successfully but also share their deep wisdom and experience with us. It’s been a fun series of interviews and I’m thrilled to share it with you.
Today’s topic is quite timely as many of us have additional fear surfacing around how the economy and social distancing is impacting their business.
We’re going to start with the foundation of business, money. Wow, what surfaces in you with just that one word? Very few things bring about the emotions and conflicting beliefs we have like money does. And yet, that is what defines a business, doing something in exchange for money, and to continue to provide this service/product you’ll have to do it with a profit. And yet, so many of us got into this work with such a big and empathetic heart. There is guilt and shame at knowing how to charge, what to charge, when to charge for your services, advice, time and expertise. It’s such a deep and sticky subject.
That’s why I asked the amazing Agnes Kowalski to come onto the show and chat with us about Money Mindset.
Agnes Kowalski has 15+ years of experience studying patterns and alignment in people, originally as a therapist. She has studied thousands of behavioral patterns that she used to develop her unique method to Money Mindset Coaching. Her process is 3 fold. She helps you examine your conscious and unconscious design, your subconscious programming and your conditioning around self-worth. She can then parter with you to bring you into alignment with your true authentic self that knows how to prosper authentically.
With her unique method to Money Mindset, she has coached entrepreneurs, real estate agents, healers, artists, actors and many other service providers to break through income ceilings and create a new money reality for themselves. Agnes is a powerhouse that combines smarts with kindness, wisdom and understanding with truth, experience and relatability without excuses.
In this episode we cover:
- How did she transition from being a therapist to serving clients around money mindset?
- Why are we so uncomfortable around this topic of money?
- Vulnerability, getting real with our own believes being key to thriving financially?
- Learning to let the subconsciousness rise to the surface and being honest with ourselves.
- Money as a tool which will lead you to be able to serve more fully
- Teaching your brain to see the good, how Ellen is a powerful example of this!
- Seeing your business as a business
- Boundaries instill confidence in your clients
- Planning long term, what will your business look like in 5 years
If you want to connect with Agnes, which I hope you do, head on over to her website and social media, she’s often doing Facebook chats asking powerful questions to help you dig deeper into your truth and understanding your own heart. If this topic is uncomfortable for you, like it is for many of us, you’ll be so served by her, because if you’re in business, if you want to keep serving your clients well out of your overflow, this I a vital piece of the puzzle!
If you’re one of the folks social distancing, and you’re wanting to move your body with out special equipment, I’ve created two free 10 minute workouts for you. They target building backs strength and upper body strength and combat pain in those areas, which, for some of us, our tension can settle there.
Thank you so much for what you do, how you serve, for being willing to sit with the discomfort to live an authentic and thriving life. I’m cheering you on as we navigate all this together!