Episode 12: Lisa Hendrickson-Jack of Fertility Friday

In today's episode I get to interview the amazing Lisa Hendrickson-Jack about a subject that’s discussed less often and highly misunderstood  and is a a highly charged subject for women’s reproductive health. We discuss using fertility awareness for either preventing pregnancy or using it to get pregnant! There are SO many different misunderstandings and so much empowering science to back up this strategy, I don’t want to give too much away, but I love diving into the topics and questioning the assumption that we really aren’t capable of being the experts of our own bodies. 

Lisa is the creator of the Fertility Friday blog and podcast. She is a certified Fertility Awareness Educator, a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner, and has personally used Fertility Awareness as a primary method of birth control for nearly 20 years. She created Fertility Friday to reach as many women as possible and share the freedom and power you gain when you understand your body.  Her mission is to provide you with the information she wished she had when she was 19 and searching for answers, minus all the stress and mistakes I made along the way!


In todays episode we discussed:

  • Fertility awareness vs. hormonal birth control
  • How effective is Fertility awareness?
  • What exactly is fertility awareness?
  • Is recommending fertility awareness highly irresponsible?
  • How to know your fertile days. Is it day 14?
  • Why would someone not want to use hormonal birth control- we dig into the side effects!
  • Is charting hard and complicated?
  • Tips of mama’s who are immediately postpartum


If you’re just as fascinated by this topic as I am, I highly recommend Lisa’s podcast, Fertility Friday. She has SO much free information available and deep dives into individual questions you or your clients may have on the topic. You can also visit her website to find out more about working with her or gathering powerful information for your own clients.


I’m so grateful for you, your service to this community and for your precious time! 

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